I was contacted recently about a new book that would be hitting the shelves soon and I decided I definitely wanted to share with you guys! If you know me at all, you know that I am a book lover so anytime someone wants me to check out a book I am in! The book, Spartan Up! is written by Joe De Sena, the creator of the Spartan races.
The cool thing about this book is that it is not just about running but also about looking onto the obstacles you may face in life and conquering them. The book speaks about the Spartan way of life which embraces the following aspects:
- Finding the will to succeed: The first half of a race you run with your legs; the second half you run with your mind. Turn your pain into an outboard motor to drive you forward.
- Tossing your cookies: The Cookie Test can teach you how to overcome the need for immediate gratification and help you prosper in the long term.
- Getting Spartan fit: Survival of the Fittest means training outside the gym for strength, endurance and flexibility for your entire body—and don’t forget those burpees!
- Moving mountains: Whether metaphorical mountains or the ones on which Spartans race, what you think of as your limitations can actually be a mere starting point for transformation.
What is better and more encouraging than that?! I read the synopsis and was hooked! I can't wait until my copy arrives so that I can read the whole thing.
The book will come out May 13th and you can pre order your copy HERE!
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